2015 December 11 @ 8:30
Shawn Lawson will be performing in Beast Code as part of Refest Hybrid Performance & New Media Festival at Culture Hub.
2015 November 20
Shawn Lawson will be performing at Algorave 0x00 at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity in Troy, NY.
2015 October 18 @ 21:00
2015 October 18
Shawn Lawson will be giving the workshop Live Coding Graphics at the GENERATE! festival at Shedhalle in Tübingen, Germany.
2015 August 17
Shawn Lawson will be on the panel: Roundtable Panel Title: Disrupting audio-visual paradigms with real-time technology at the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Vancouver, CA
2015 August 15
Shawn Lawson will be giving a half-day tutorial Introduction to Live Coding OpenGL Shaders at the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Vancouver, CA. Please sign up!
2015 August 14 @ 10pm
Obi Wan Codenobi and The Wookie will perform Sarlacc at the Fortune Sound Club with the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Vancouver, CA.
2015 July 15
Obi Wan Codenobi perform with Calum Gunn, Renick Bell, Shelly Knotts and Chris Kiefer at Wharf Chambers during Leeds Algarve #3 in Leeds, UK.
2015 July 14
Shawn Lawson will be presenting the paper Performative Code: Strategies for Live Coding Graphics at the International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC).
2015 July 13
Shawn Lawson will be giving a workshop Live Coding the OpenGL Fragement Shader with Audio Responsiveness at the International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC).